Flutter and Android on the TV - An Update
If you read my previous post on developing an Android TV app using Flutter, you’d have noticed that I was a little frustrated
about having to rewrite large portions of the user interface by wrapping a RawKeyboardListener
in order to support the remote control
I stumbled across a post 1 by Mushthaq Mohammed discussing using Flutter on Android TV and in the article, I found this little snippet:
return Shortcuts(
shortcuts: <LogicalKeySet, Intent>{
LogicalKeySet(LogicalKeyboardKey.select): ActivateIntent(),
child: MaterialApp(
I quickly wrapped an older version of my app (pre RawKeyboardListener extensions) with this snippet, and lo-and-behold, it works perfectly with the D-PAD. At least with the emulator. I’m going to try this on a real device later this evening. Fingers Crossed!